
What type of registrant am I?

New Graduates - Section 38 Applicants

This second route to registration is for:

  • new entrants to the professions in Ireland;
  • graduates;
  • those who have been practising abroad; or
  • those returning to the profession.

If you fall into one of these categories, in order to register you must:

  • hold an approved qualification;
  • complete the online application form;
  • demonstrate that you are fit and proper to practise the profession; and
  • satisfy the Board that you have sufficient knowledge of the language necessary to practise the profession in Ireland - this may include undertaking a language test.

New entrants with qualifications from abroad must first have their qualifications recognised by CORU before they are eligible to apply for registration.

Please note, various translations of the S38 Guidance Notes are available here.

A comprehensive support video that outlines the requirements for registering with CORU is available on CORU's YouTube channel.